Wednesday 14 August 2013


These blah days are the worst.
I don't want to be here, I don't want to be there, I don't want to be anywhere. I want to breath without being breathed upon. I'm angry because "is this what all my schooling was for?" Frustrated  because, I'm trying to find "love" in a place that believes in obligation over choice. Restless because I don't feel grounded, physically & emotionally.

I'm whining, I know. Right now, I can't help it. Listening to people talk about their strength in religion, yet their faith is week. Why can't you just worship without preaching? Why can't I wear my short sleeve shirt, without being accosted by a "believer". Dearth of religiosity is not a problem on the land. But humanity. But tolerance. But patience.

Yes, I'm feeling a lot of things right nos, today, at this moment. And I really hope it passes. Because, I can't take any deep breaths through this anxiety, this unease, these butterflies in my tummy. Perhaps it's indigestion, and I just need some antacids. If that could assuage this edge, then here's a swallow. Otherwise, I'm stuck with my own brand of crazy and I gotta tell ya, it doesn't always go down smoothly.

Peace, love, life and happiness

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